Singing Karaoke

Karaoke is a popular activity at many campgrounds.  Harpers Ferry KOA was no exception.  On Friday night, we enjoyed the singing styles of Jessie, Kelly, Nikki and Sam.  They all performed quite well.

(Click on the picture below for a larger view)

Here's the girls looking through song selection books Nikki, Sam and Jessie sing a tune Nikki, Sam and Jessie Here the Karaoke leader sings a song with the girls - something about hairy legs?
Nikki, Kelly and Sam perform on stage Jessie preferred to sit out most of the songs Nikki, Kelly and Sam Nikki, Sam and Jessie
Kelly and Sam sing a duet Even I got in on the act ... Nikki, Kelly and Sam singing Christmas songs (in June?) Nikki, Kelly and Sam