Columbus Weekend
Oct 6 - 9
3 Seasons RV Campground & Resort
Rehobeth Beach, DE

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Keep in mind, this is October in Delaware!  Here are the girls swimming in the Atlantic Ocean!  There were a total of four people in the water that day, and three of them belonged to me!  Oh well!  Actually, it was a wonderful long weekend at Rehobeth Beach.  This was just a quick get-away to try and sneak in another camping trip before the season ends.  We were joined by the Carrick family on this trip.   We went to the 3Seasons RV Campground & Resort - what a very nice place!   Beautiful campsites, nice amenities, and wonderful landscaping with flowers and ornamental grasses all around.  We enjoyed a trip to the beach and some shopping along the way.  This was also "Greyhound" weekend, so there were lots of these four-legged friends all around. 

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We added this Hanging Basket to the camper for this trip, and the girls quickly found a use for it!
Here's Ashley help cook dinner. Samantha lends a hand also. Mary Ann, Tom, and Buddy.
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The water temp was likely in the 50's, but that didn't stop them. Looks like good candidates for the polar bear club! Here they are catching a wave. Here's a jetty offering lots of exploring opportunities for the kids.
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Here, Anna and Danny search for buried treasures. Here's Anna coming up from the beach. Samantha, playing in the sand.